Specializing in Transport and Logistics
All you want to know about studying transportation and logistics in Turkey costs, advantages, areas, conditions, the most important Turkish universities and more in this article..
Advantages of studying logistics and transportation in Turkey
The study of logistics and transportation in Turkish universities is one of the distinguished specializations, since Turkey is one of the countries that occupy an important position in the commercial arena and the birth of many companies. Study logistics and transport management in prestigious Turkish universities, through qualified specialists, to combine the skills of specialization and practical application in the same country.
How many years to study logistics and transportation in Turkey?
The number of years of study for the logistics and transport specialization in Turkey is four years, and if the student does not hold a language certificate upon entering the specialization, the period exceeds one year, which is a preparatory year for the language.
What are the conditions for studying logistics and transportation in Turkey?
Admission to public Turkish universities depends on passing the Turkish Yös test, or the American SAT test, in addition to having a high school diploma at a rate that varies from one university to another, and they also require language proficiency, or a year’s study to master it.
As for the conditions for studying logistics and transportation in private universities in Turkey, they do not require students to have any conditions, as it is sufficient to have a high school diploma with a minimum average of 50%, in addition to the language.

What is the acceptance rate of logistics and transportation in Turkey?
هناك جامعات تشترط تحقيق معدل معين، وعند التقدم على المنح فبعض الجامعات تشترط الحصول على معدل أعلى، أما الجامعات الخاصة فلا تشترط معدلاً، إذ يكفي حصول الطالب على خمسين بالمئة في الثانوية.
هل دراسة اللوجستيات والنقل في تركيا صعبة؟
The study of logistics and transportation is one of the disciplines that require the student to have different skills, in time management, a sense of responsibility and rapid movement in taking notes and using computer software, in addition to presentation and presentation skills.

Study Logistics and Transport in Turkey in English
The universities that teach logistics and transportation in Turkey in English are: Gelisim University, Istanbul Bilgi University, Beykoz University, Yeditepe University, Işık University, Bahçeşehir University, Maltepe University, Beykent University, Medipol University, and Okan University.
What are the universities that study logistics and transportation in Turkey?
There are many universities that study logistics and transportation, and the names vary between universities, some of them fall under the title of logistics, including logistics and international trade, including international trade and logistics, including logistics and supply chain management, and among the universities that teach specialization: Atilim University, Altin Bash University, Kadir Has University, Nisantasi University, and Doğuş University.
What is the best university to study logistics and transportation in Turkey?
The most important universities that teach logistics and transportation with high technologies and superior skills: Istanbul Bilgi University, Beykoz University, Yeditepe University, Bahcesehir University, Maltepe University, Beykent University, Okan University, Atilim University, Altinbas University, Kadir Has University, and Nisantasi University .
Costs of studying logistics and transportation in Turkey
The fees for studying the logistics and transportation specialization in Turkey are among the average wages compared to other countries, between three thousand dollars and nine thousand dollars in private universities, as for scholarships below that, and there are significant discounts for those who register through the study platform.
Master's and PhD in Logistics and Transport in Turkey
The postgraduate studies for the specialization of logistics and transportation in Turkey aim to prepare the human cadres that are increasingly needed, as the rapid development in global markets necessitates that the method of applying competitive logistics and supply networks be updated to bridge the gaps between suppliers and producers, and postgraduate systems in Turkey for the specialization of logistics vary , between a system with a message and a system without a message, in addition to the diversity of specialized contexts.